Zinc Oxide
Zinc Oxide

Zinc Oxide Powder Medical Uses and Face Products

Because of the amazing benefits of zinc oxide, you can find various zinc oxide powder medical uses, especially for skin and face. It is mostly applied topically not only for protecting your skin from sunlight exposure, but also for helping your wounds heal faster. You can try to check some face products and skin medications to find zinc oxide as part of their ingredients.


Although sunscreen with chemical ingredients can be found a lot in the market, people still love sunscreen with zinc oxide as its active ingredients. It is considered safer because zinc naturally can reflect and absorb the harmful sun rays before penetrating your skin.

To ensure its efficacy, you need to apply sunscreen with zinc oxide ingredients at least 30 minutes before being under the sun. You also have to apply enough sunscreen not only on your face, but also on your neck, top of ears, hands, legs, backs, and other areas that are exposed to direct sunlight.


One of the zinc oxide powder medical uses is to treat acne and you can find acne cream that contains zinc oxide. If you want to use zinc oxide cream for treating acne, you should only dab it a little on the damaged area. 

Remember to wash and moisturize your face first before applying zinc oxide cream for your acne treatment. Although zinc oxide is considered safe, it will be safer to talk to your dermatologist before applying any kind of zinc oxide products, including skincare products with zinc oxide ingredients.


Besides for treating acne, zinc oxide can also be used for healing wounds. For this purpose, people usually use zinc oxide ointment after cleaning the wounded skin. After ointment application, you can wrap the wounds with a bandage to get an optimal result. 

You might not need to use the bandage if the wounds are small. Even when the wounds are pretty big, you do not have to wrap them with bandages if you find it uncomfortable. Applying zinc oxide ointment will be good enough since it comes with antibacterial and anti inflammatory properties.


Zinc oxide can also be simply used as a powder. Once again, although it is safe to use this compound, you need to pay attention to usage instruction and dosage. It might be fine to use two tablespoons of zinc oxide powder at a time for making homemade lotion or cream so you can enjoy zinc oxide powder medical uses at home easily.


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